May 31, 2007

Vain, or just Loving?

Abby is always pleasantly surprised when she sees "Baby Abby" (as we affectionately refer to her reflection), but tonight we may have crossed a line. She just had to give Baby Abby a kiss. Vain, or just loving?

The Bath

This is how I know that Abby is truly my child... she loves bathtime, but only so long as the water is warm and she can stay in as long as she'd like!

May 28, 2007


Just thought I'd attempt to make a collage with all the pics I've used thus far!

May 27, 2007

It must be genetic!

Abby is doing an amazing job of playing with all the things that weren't labeled "toys" when we bought them. For anyone who doubts the power of genetics, I now have proof: Abby can't get enough of the golf clubs! It has to be genetic because although I've watched very carefully, I've yet to see Matt force her to play with the clubs. My only consolation is that she also loves music!

May 6, 2007

Abby's First Birthday!

It happened- Abby's officially 1! We had a wonderful little family party here at the house. Abby did her best to entertain everyone... GranKathy, Boompa, Nana, Daddy B., and Uncle Josh all came over to play! Opening presents isn't Abby's strong suit, but she absolutely knows how to dig into birthday cake :)