Jan 29, 2008

Crossing the Bridge

So I'm sure all of you have at least one fond memory of those wobbly bridges at the playground. Unfortunately, Abby doesn't really enjoy them yet. So here's how she manages to get across:
First- start out bravely. Act unafraid.

Next- realize you are just as scared as the last time. Also realize you are too far across to go back. Simply sit down.

Thirdly- call for help. Preferrably from Daddy as he seems unfazed by the bridge.

Next- let Daddy help you up. Also let him know you have no intention of releasing your grip on him until you're off the bridge.

Finally- enjoy being carried across the bridge. After reaching the other side, cheer loudly and bask in the glow of your newfound bravery!

Jan 24, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

Most of you know, but for those that don't, I went to Vegas two weeks ago. No Matt, no Abby, just me! It was very strange... not a place I'd want to live, but here are a few pics I like from the trip.
Notice that I managed to get the Statue of Liberty, the Las Vegas Blvd sign, and the roller coaster running- all in the same shot! Not bad, huh?

Me in front of the Bellagio waiting for a second round of fountain dancing.

Possibly as close as I'll ever get to Paris if Matt keeps up his "I hate flying" attitude!

What the tower looks like from below.

While this Paris balloon looks nice and small in the pic- it's huge! Notice the paintings behind the neon lights... makes it something good to look at during the day and night.

Here he is...

Well, here he is. The newest (and ironically oldest) love of my life.

Not the greatest picture of me- but who cares?! I'm with the Fonz!!!

Jan 23, 2008

Best Day EVER!

Okay- so today I had the opportunity to meet Henry Winkler. Yes- Henry Winkler. THE Fonz. Fonzie. Arthur Fonzarelli.
All I can say is that I'm officially starstruck. He made eye contact from across the room. He came over. He shook my hand. He looked me in the eyes. He hugged me. He told my mom I was "lovely" and "beautiful".
I would have run away with him if he'd asked me.
My mom was with me and for a few minutes I could swear we were the same age- 15!
I plan on posting pics tomorrow.
By the way- for anyone concerned about Matt's feelings (yes I did tell him I was in love with another man) I offered Matt the opportunity to leave me for any 64 year old woman that he wanted.

Jan 1, 2008

Mixed Emotions

As I stole an extra five minutes in bed this morning, I started thinking about all the great things coming up in this new year- the sale of an old house and a move to a new one, finishing graduate school once and for all, the terrible two's, and a best friend's first baby. And then sadness hit me, the way that it does when you first wake up and feel good about the day before you realize that yesterday really did happen. You see, the last day of 2007 was spent loading a giant truck with my brother. Which caused two problems for my New Year's Day morning: 1- I'm incredibly sore and 2- My big brother really is moving 3,000 miles away. Anyone who has ever heard me talk about my brother knows how I feel about him. Given that, I'm starting the new year with a few tears. Hopefully all those coming good things, plus at least one visit to Oregon, will balance 2008 out.