Jan 1, 2008

Mixed Emotions

As I stole an extra five minutes in bed this morning, I started thinking about all the great things coming up in this new year- the sale of an old house and a move to a new one, finishing graduate school once and for all, the terrible two's, and a best friend's first baby. And then sadness hit me, the way that it does when you first wake up and feel good about the day before you realize that yesterday really did happen. You see, the last day of 2007 was spent loading a giant truck with my brother. Which caused two problems for my New Year's Day morning: 1- I'm incredibly sore and 2- My big brother really is moving 3,000 miles away. Anyone who has ever heard me talk about my brother knows how I feel about him. Given that, I'm starting the new year with a few tears. Hopefully all those coming good things, plus at least one visit to Oregon, will balance 2008 out.