Dec 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008!

Only a few hours left this year... how has it been nearly a decade since I was wondering if I should withdraw the few dollars I had in the bank before the millenium arrived?

My goal was to get Christmas pictures on the blog before 2009, so I'm sliding in at the last minute. We had a great holiday... a few short trips to see family, lots of good food, and very little time spent shopping!

Abby's favorite presents this year: a toy kitchen (thanks DaddyDan, GranAnn, Nana and Daddy B!) and a treasure box full of bandaids (thanks GranKathy and Boompa!).
Our little family:

Waiting as patiently as possible for Nana and B to open presents:

Playing with her new toy while wearing her new backpack:

Dec 16, 2008

Christmas Dress

Eventually Matt and I will stop being shocked by the fact that Abby often looks so much older than she is... but for now, we still gasp and stare at her.

Dec 8, 2008

Best Room Ever

Our new rental house has a wonderful room that we've made the library/adult living room. No TV, no radio, no toys. I love this room. I think I've dreamed of it all my life. To make it even greater, it also happens to be a perfect Christmas tree room. If I ever go missing, check here first.

I'm What?!

In my experience there's usually at least one younger teacher at high schools, and at least one student has a crush on them... and there's always that friend who says, "Ewww. He's old. Like at least 30!" Well when I dropped some stuff at Matt's school the other day, and a high school boy addressed me as Mrs. Naylor, it hit me that I'm no longer either of those kids... I'm the wife of the teacher! I frequently tell people that Matt is the best dressed male teacher at Denton High School... and I tease Matt about the high school girls having a crush on him. But for some reason I just now realized that I'm the teacher's wife. And it makes me feel a little proud and a little curious as to where the last 15 years went.