Nov 30, 2008

Mother's Intuition

I've been thinking about Mary and Elizabeth lately. They were both blessed with miraculous pregnancies. They both gave birth to sons who even before conception were named by angels. They birthed the Messiah and the man who ran before Him, declaring the good news. And these two women, these two relatives, these two first time moms, spent three months together while they were both pregnant. I wish we knew more of that time. I can't help but wonder about Mary and Elizabeth's state of mind.

I keep thinking, we all hope the best for our children, right? We all want them to be happy and loved and successful and generous and smart. And we don't want to even imagine anyone hurting them. We talk about protecting our children like lionesses. We joke about what we'll do to the boy or girl that breaks their heart. How did Mary and Elizabeth deal with those feelings? Their love for their babies, just because they were their own, must have caused the same emotions and I can only imagine that their love for the Lord amplified them. But did they feel as though they needed to protect Jesus and John?

How must Mary and Elizabeth have reacted when they learned that their sons were killed because people actually requested their deaths? Because government rulers, who did not want to kill them, were too prideful and too afraid to say no when it was asked.

I just wonder if while spending those three months rejoicing together, Mary and Elizabeth had any idea of the pain to come?

Nov 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year... Jesus pursuing our hearts and our lives, Abby, our health, Matt's job, living in Denton, our new home, friends, family, church... the list goes on and on! My hope for you this Thanksgiving is that, like us, your blessings are too many to count.

Yesterday we were able to spend some time with good friends. I had the chance to take a few pictures of Kurt Grothe and his family. Kurt was Matt's best man at our wedding and since he happened to be in Denton last weekend, he was kind enough to help us move. Kurt is one of those friends that long ago crossed the line into family... whether he wanted to or not!

Kurt and his family are missionaries to Argentina so if you're interested in supporting them in either a prayerful or financial manner, go to:

Isn't their son adorable?

Nov 20, 2008

Holding a Grudge

Okay... I failed this week. I succumbed to the middle of the afternoon slump and watched Oprah. I know, I know. But it was an episode on medical marvels, basically people who have doctors stumped, and I just love that stuff.

There was this one woman- Jill Price- who apparently has the most amazing memory ever known. Maybe you've heard of her. She can remember every detail of her last 30 years. Tell her a date and she'll tell you not only what day of the week it was, but also what she wore, did, exact conversations had, and most extraordinarily, she feels the same emotions as she did then. Oprah just kept bringing up the issue of how hard it must be to remember every time a person was cruel to her or said something hurtful. Since "time heals all wounds" it seemed to Oprah and Jill that not being able to forget is a horrible thing.

I get that. I've forgotten things intentionally and unintentionally. I can't remember huge chunks of time. And I truly believe that my forgetfulness of hurtful events is God's blessing, not some flaw in my brain.

But here's the thing that hit me hard, the thing I can't stop remembering: what must it be like to be the person who said something hurtful to Jill? How awful must it be to know that she may forgive you for the time you lost your temper, but she can never forget it? I joke that Matt has "selective memory" so I'm not worried about him, but I pray that Abby has a normal memory. I know I won't be a perfect parent and I'm kind of counting on the good times overshadowing my mistakes.

We know that God doesn't forget. That we'll have to account for our lives when they're over. But don't most of us think of that as an out-of-sight out-of-mind issue? Like we can worry about that later? What if we all remembered everything- good and bad- about our lives... wouldn't we wonder each time someone looked at us if they were remembering how cruel or selfish or impolite we'd been? Seriously- how much more cautiously might we all speak and act if we knew our words and actions would, and could, never be forgotten?

I love what I love

Yesterday was spent at the new house unpacking kitchen boxes and loading the countertops with all the crystal and china that had been so carefully bubble wrapped and stored over the past 7 months. After putting it all on a top shelf, higher than Abby will ever be able to climb, it was time to find the perfect place for my candy bowl. No fancy laser etching. No brand name stamped on the bottom. Nothing to make a robber think it worthy. And yet it is priceless to me- it was my great grandfather's. I can distinctly remember walking into his tiny little house and being amazed that the bowl was once again full. Must be some fancy candy to make such an impact, right? Nope. Nothing rare or exotic or even chocolate. It was eternally filled with simple peppermints. And I loved it. I loved seeing it in his home. I loved that he would set it down on my level when I visited and that he trusted me enough to lift the heavy glass lid off and get my own. And after Pa passed away, I loved that it didn't get tossed out. In fact, it earned a place of honor at Granny's house. I feel unbelievably priveledged that it is now part of my home.
So after unpacking all the crystal yesterday, I found the most reinforced cabinet in the kitchen and centered the candy bowl directly on top of a beam- just in case the kitchen were ever to suddenly collapse.
If you bought us special dishes for our wedding- I promise we love and appreciate them! But we've only had them for 6 years... not nearly as long as I've known my bowl.

Nov 17, 2008

Writing on the Wall

Kristin V. was nice enough to play around with Abby's picture in photoshop... and I think she did an amazing job!
Now our only questions are:
1. Why does our 2 year old look 13? and 2. Why isn't she paying for her own diapers?

Nov 14, 2008

Just Because-

the colors begged me to tamper with them!

Las Colinas

I've been on the hunt for a good location for a Christmas photo shoot. So after seeing Kristin and Jenn's photos from Las Colinas, I thought I'd make Abby earn her keep and use her for some test shots down there. It really is a great place to take portraits and I'd love to spend some time capturing the architecture.
I'm sure there are hundreds of great spots along the canal, but Abby didn't really want to go scouting with me, so we just stayed in one area. Here are some of my favorites.
(Thank goodness I don't have a camera shy kid, huh?)

Nov 12, 2008

Moving On Up

We're moving to a house soon and I'm ready... not ready in the packed boxes sense, but ready in the emotional sense. We aren't looking forward to moving 3 couches and a 300+ lb armoire, but I've decided the following outweigh the furniture:

1. Parking directly beside or in front of our house.
2. Having an extra room to accumulate guests or stuff.
3. Not hearing the upstair neighbor's high heels through the ceiling.
4. Walking to the library, park, Matt's work, and Keri's house.
5. Hardwood floors.
6. Using the TWU campus as our personal playground.
7. Letting Abby run out the back door without worrying about cars.
8. Sharing walls only with people I love.
9. Not needing to find parking for the jazz festival.
10. Sitting on the front porch and enjoying Denton.

Nov 5, 2008

Help! I can't stop...

making things! I'm pretty certain Matt thinks I've gone insane. The craft corner is quickly becoming the craft room... not a good thing to have happen in a small apartment. In addition to the usual hairbow craziness, today I managed to eek out two other projects. One is a set of baby gifts that I adore, but I'll wait to post a picture until after I give them to the mommy-to-be, and the second is my new favorite thing ever.

Drumroll please.... it is.... a crayon roll!

I love that they are functional, beautiful, simple, and portable. The fabric combinations are endless. They can be made to match a bag or a journal. They can be made for crayons, markers, or colored pencils... and they won't fall apart like those ugly paper boxes. I think they're perfect for kids, teachers and artists. And they may end up in every stocking I have to stuff this Christmas!

The inside holds each crayon in an individual pocket:

The outside is as simple or extravagant as the chosen fabric:

And all rolled up, I think it's perfect!

Nov 4, 2008

Red or Blue?

Tomorrow is going to be a new day. No matter what the outcome of tonight, there are going to be some very emotional people. But is it completely unpatriotic of me to say that I won't be one of them? I've been thinking about it and although I care deeply about some of the issues at stake, I know that decisions aren't made by one man alone. And I also know that miracles do happen.

So whether the map is colored red or blue, I'll be celebrating tomorrow. I'll be celebrating that God changes hearts... and policies.

Nov 1, 2008

Dear Hollywood,

I write this with a heavy heart. I never imagined we would need to have this talk. I think I've been pretty understanding in the past, don't you? I stayed quiet when you replaced Gene Wilder with Johnny Depp in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake. I bit my tongue when after 20 years you chose to release Die Hard and Rambo sequels. I only grumbled a little when I saw 90210 in the Fall 2008 TV lineup... although I do want to ask- did you not learn anything from Saved by the Bell: The New Class?

I had my emotions in check. I admit I even became prideful of it. I didn't think there was anything you could do that I wouldn't be able to handle. But this? This is low. Even for you. Today I hear that you're planning to remake Footloose? And you want Zac Efron to play Ren?! Why do you hate me so? Step away from the edge. This is a ridiculous idea. Never, never did I imagine one day wanting to bond with my daughter over Kenny Loggins and red boots, only to have to specifically request that we watch the "original."

Don't do this to me. It won't be only me you're hurting. You do know that the writers have not been on strike for a while now, right? Please- do us both a favor and ask them for new material. And just in case you try to relive your other glory days, here is a list of a few things that you should know are off limits:

- The Breakfast Club
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off
- Back to the Future
- Say Anything
- The Goonies
- When Harry Met Sally
- Pretty Woman
- Flight of the Navigator
- WKRP in Cincinnati

Please take this complaint seriously. I'm not afraid to organize an original fan club if I have to.


Halloween Fun

I'm not shy about admitting that Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, in fact it's probably the last on my list, but we had a pretty good time yesterday. The Village Church is great in that they encourage community relationships. The church provided a bounce house and candy for us at the home of our small group leader so that we could host a free block party for the neighborhood. It really was wonderful to just relax and get to know people instead of rushing around. By the way- Abby is convinced that Halloween is a birthday party for "Pumpkin" and the candy is obviously in lieu of a birthday cake.

It isn't too shocking that this was Abby's first time to go trick-or-treating, but many of our friends were surprised to hear that it was also Matt's first candy quest. Matt didn't celebrate the holiday growing up so I volunteered him to walk Abby and our friend Kurt's son Josias (dressed as an adorable duck) up each walkway and lead the cry for candy. Kurt and I had a great time pretending to take pictures of Matt's first Halloween! It did feel a little strange that only 2 of the 6 of us had ever gone trick-or-treating before... Kurt's wife Lore has never been either but that's because she's from Argentina.

She is a cute cowgirl:
Even if she does look like she's hatching some sneaky plan:

This is what she looks like when you tell her it's still not time for the party (note the Scarlet Macaw cereal in hand):

Happy to learn that there is more candy present than she knew existed:

Have you ever seen a horse sit? Well this is what it looks like... much easier to eat the sucker while not walking around.