Nov 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year... Jesus pursuing our hearts and our lives, Abby, our health, Matt's job, living in Denton, our new home, friends, family, church... the list goes on and on! My hope for you this Thanksgiving is that, like us, your blessings are too many to count.

Yesterday we were able to spend some time with good friends. I had the chance to take a few pictures of Kurt Grothe and his family. Kurt was Matt's best man at our wedding and since he happened to be in Denton last weekend, he was kind enough to help us move. Kurt is one of those friends that long ago crossed the line into family... whether he wanted to or not!

Kurt and his family are missionaries to Argentina so if you're interested in supporting them in either a prayerful or financial manner, go to:

Isn't their son adorable?


The Vandy's said...

love the new page!!!