The obvious choice for today is this photo. Nothing like having a black panther in the tall grass stalking you. So maybe he's not a full grown panther, but he could have fooled me.
On a totally different but equally important note. If there are any of my friends out there reading this who have read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, please send me a note. Because I just finished reading the final book this morning (I had to wait until I was done grading papers) and I have a little venting to do. If you haven't read this series, then why are you still reading this blog? Go to your local library and check out Twilight. Kate- go to Half Price Books and buy it. If you don't know where your local library is, send me your name so I can chastise you and then I'll lend you my copy. Yes, the series was written for teenage girls. Yes, it's about vampires. No, it's not cheesy. Yes, it is every bit as good as Harry Potter in a totally different way. Trust me- the first movie will be released in December, so you're going to hear about this for a long time to come. Might as well get a jump on the books!

I don't know where my local library is.
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