Aug 13, 2008

Stage 1

You may remember from the original "funk" post I made that part of my defunking process is a 3 step hair plan. Today stage 1 was accomplished. Shorter and blonder. Stages 2 & 3 will happen in about 6 weeks. (Not the best picture of me but that's understandable. I belong behind the camera, not in front of it!)


Meredith said...

love the new 'do! very chic!

Matt, Andrea, Luke and Halle said...

sassy! love it!

Anonymous said...

looks great!-- can't wait for phases 2 & 3.... mom

The Shaffers said...

Love the cut, what are stages 2 and3? Should I be worried?

jeannie said...

I'm actually liking this stage so much I've thought of not following through on 2 & 3, but I'm still going to do it. They involve more color and less hair. Maggie, you have every right to be worried :)

David and Bethany said...

Okay...first of all, found your blog! Second of all, love your hair! It looks fantastic! Didn't get to see you long enough at school the other day...hope you're doing well! :)